

Welcome to our community in Hiawatha, a place where faith and inclusivity merge to form a progressive Christian community. As a vibrant part of a global World Church, we are proud to be among over 250,000 members who share a common belief and devotion worldwide.

Our ethos is rooted in the understanding that everyone is a cherished part of God's covenant family. We believe in embracing diversity, fostering acceptance, and nurturing spiritual growth. Whether you are seeking a place to explore your faith, find support and fellowship, or simply a sanctuary for prayer and reflection, our doors are open to all.

We invite you to join us in our journey of faith and fellowship. Come, be a part of our spiritual family, where every individual is valued, and every voice is heard. Together, let's celebrate the love and teachings of Christ in a community that thrives on love, respect, and unity. Welcome home!

Our Beliefs


We proclaim Jesus Christ and promote communities of joy, hope, love and peace.


We are called to be followers of Jesus Christ, offering the invitation to all people to join us in living out the gospel and pursuing peace.


There is no official church creed that must be accepted by all members. However, the following are generally accepted beliefs of the church.

God is eternal and alone is worthy of our worship. God is expressed in three persons: God the creator; Jesus Christ, the Son of God; the Holy Spirit.

Salvation and eternal life are gifts from God. Those who accept the gospel are called to respond to Christ through committed discipleship.

The church, as part of the body of Christ, is the means through which the ministry of Christ continues in the world today. Christian discipleship is most fully possible when it is pursued in a community of committed believers.

God continues to reveal today as in the past through scripture, the faith community, prayer, and nature, and in human history.

The scriptures provide divine guidance and inspired insight for life when responsibly interpreted and faithfully applied.

Through the sacraments we establish or reaffirm our covenant with God in response to God’s grace.

All people have great worth and should be respected as creations of God with basic human rights.

All men, women, youth, and children are given gifts and abilities to enhance life and to become involved in Christ’s mission.

We dedicate our lives to the pursuit of peace and justice for all people.

For further information, or to learn more about these and other basic beliefs, please click on the following link: https://www.cofchrist.org/ourfaith/faith-beliefs.asp


In the Community of Christ, there are eight sacraments, most of which are celebrated in worship experiences at appropriate times.

Baptism: Covenanting with God and one another.

Confirmation: Receiving the strength for discipleship.

Communion: Remembering Christ, commitment, and community.

Ordination: A calling to serve the people.

Blessing of Children: Honoring the children of God.

Laying on of Hands: Healing of spirit and body.

Marriage: Blessing a life partnership.

Evangelist’s Blessing: Spiritual guidance on the disciple’s path.

If you wish to learn more about these sacraments, please click on the following link: https://www.cofchrist.org/sacraments/

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